Tuesday 29 October 2013

Ramping It Up! Well, sort of!

On Sunday, I was registered for Race 2 of the Spring Into Shape series but my physio had instructed me not to participate due to my foot issue so I rested. About the only exercise that I did all weekend was walking my dogs :-)

Yesterday - Monday - I went to physio & oh boy, it HURT! It felt like a knife was being dragged through the soles of my feet! I even told Nathan that he's a big meanie. He just laughed - evil man he is....I was a little tender afterwards. I was going to go to my gym's 5.30pm boxing class after work, but I was so tired that I just came home. An old excuse, not good enough, I know, but I'm a bit apprehensive of doing any training other than running or stairs & upper body work - and yes, I know that boxing is upper body work - BUT I was more worried about the stance positions etc & my physio told me yesterday "focus on what you want the most in the next 4 weeks, not the boxing class that you can do on any Monday".  So the boxing class went out the window!

The next 4 weeks I have so much on! I have a 2 night & 3 day Commando Camp - with "THE" Commando himself in W.A, then I have 4 nights & 5 days relaxing at Monkey Mia in W.A with my awesome sister, who is also doing the camp with me. We land back in Melbourne on Saturday 16th November at 11pm-ish & the very next morning we will then be going to do the 13km City to Sea run at 8am, followed by the Eureka stair climb at 1pm! It's my birthday that day - and what better way to celebrate than with 2 events! It will mean that I can have a glass of wine AND cake & not feel bad about it. My physio knows that all 3 of these things are important to me & he has assured me that I will get there! Fingers crossed. The Eureka stair climb has been my goal since the date was announced.

Today - Tuesday - I went for a 10 minute outdoor run, followed by 5 minutes of stair climbing on real stairs (not gym equipment) & 25 minutes on the stationary bike. My physio wanted me to slightly ramp this session up to see how my foot reacts. If I wake up tomorrow without much more discomfort, then I get to try a 12 minute run & 8 minutes of stairs - YAY! I'll be so happy if I can accomplish that tomorrow without too much discomfort. Funny thing is though that after today's session, my foot feels really good, so it's either getting much better or is being kind to me tonight just to slam me into pain tomorrow morning - I'm hoping it's getting much much better!

On a 12WBT note - I have been working on my goals for the coming 12 weeks & will share those once I've decided what I will achieve - do you like that "WILL" achieve versus "What I'd like to achieve"? Yes, that's right - I'm back in the drivers seat, fully buckled in, revving my engine & ready to rumble with the scales, tape measure, my mind, my chocolate habit!

Until next time, in foot fitness & health LOL - here's hoping - Me ;-)


  1. I love your positivity! You have started this blog whilst you are injured, which is good. It will help you stay positive and on track. Good work Big Sis with all the exercise :)

    1. Thank you Lil Sis - I really feel that blogging for a round will keep me on track, not to mention accountable! :-)

  2. I couldn't imagine doing the eureka stair challenge. I feel like I'm going to die climbing 5 flights of stairs at work when I park at the building's car park!!

    Hope your foot is ok tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about the commando camp - that sounds awesome!! :)

    1. I think doing the MCG climb has made it not seem so daunting - my calves will hate me for it though hee hee
