Tuesday 21 January 2014

Great weekend - watch out for the nasty people at the fun runs though!

Last week on Friday I weighed myself. I had been 100% with my food all week & was rapt to see a 2kg loss. Even with the heatwave we had, I had still cooked up healthy meals. Very happy!

Saturday morning, I went to SSS - Super Saturday Session with the girls, there were only 4 of us, but we had a fun time & managed lots of laughs during our workout of around an hour. We did some boxing to start off with, followed by a circuit of squat presses, lunge twists, planks, crunches, bicep curls, tricep dips, push ups & box jumps - it was a lot of fun!

Sunday, I was going to do my first official fun run for 2014 - The Resolution Run - organised by an athletics club - 6km here I come. My friend Sarah decided she'd do it with me, so we met before the run.

We started out together, but it was quite hilly, so I said goodbye to Sarah & watched her go off in the distance. I really don't like slowing people down so I'm the first one to say "you go ahead". I was jogging along, then passed 3 people who were walking. As I got in front of them, I heard the guy say "That can't be right, we better get moving" & the girl say "Nothing like seeing THAT to motivate you" or somethig to that effect-yes they were THIN. They were clearly talking about the size of my butt waddling in front of them! I had headphones in, but I never have them on loud enough that I can't hear around me.

Thing is though, there was a third person with them, and he was a big fella, so what were they doing bagging me for? As it turns out, I caught them again walking, so I passed them again, only for a couple more comments "c'mon, let's get going" etc etc. I ended up passing them again, and had to run by them at the turn around point. The big fella then passed me & I pretty much could see him in front of me the whole way. Wondered where the rude people had gotten to, and THEN - KARMA struck, I finished & then a few minutes later, THEY finished! So I beat them! And they had bagged me?! I told Sarah about it & showed them who I was talking about and she was in total disbelief. I wanted to go up to them and actually tell them to grow up, after all, there were a couple of large ladies at that race, and if those comments had been said to them, well that can turn someone off from ever running any FUN run again - or, even worse, maybe turn someone off from even trying to lose weight or get healthy - really unfair. If I see them again at any run, I will be keeping my ears open, that's a certainty-not sure if they're part of the club or were just participating like we were...AND let's not forget that skinny doesn't mean FIT! Yes, I have a few more kilos to lose, but I am doing my best & turns out I'm fitter than the 2 skinnies anyway!

If anyone bad mouths you or puts you down at anything - it is just their insecurities & mean spiritedness coming through - they must be very unhappy with their own lives to be dishing out comments like that to a total stranger!

I had a rest day on Monday, nutrition - 100%
Today, I woke up at 5.25am for a 6am pump class. I had my workout gear ready to go & I actually woke up raring to go. Great class & had 2 people who are regulars come and help me as I could not get the step to raise up - it was nice to be around some helpful people! I will definitely be going back next week, and hopefully every Tuesday morning. Nutrition today - 100%

Raels is BACK baby!

That's all from me - stay positive no matter what the nasties throw at you! :-)